How to Support Australian Hip Hop right now

It’s a tough time for the world, it’s cray cray, and there’s no doubt that many of the people that make up the Oz Hip Hop community sit at the bottom rung of the economic scale of privilege.

While we’re happy that the Hilltop Hoods have made it and are able to pay their band and crew in full for the four shows that have been cancelled recently as a result of COVID-19, onya Hoods, the rest of us are losing shifts at the bars we DJ at, cancelling East Coast Tours, and finding out that spitting rhymes in the studio booth doesn’t technically count as an isolation unit.

So what can we do to help? Here’s a list; 

As of right now until 5pm AEST tomorrow Saturday March 21st, Bandcamp are fore-going their cut on all music purchases (excluding artist subscription payments or vinyl pressing campaign pledges). That means artists will get nearly another 15% of what they usually get, near on 100% minus the fees to make a payment online. Handy.

It’s a great time to stock up on all that Oz Hip Hop you’ve been meaning to buy.

Somehow, in 2015 when I first signed up to Bandcamp, I “Followed” a few people. One of those people being Barnzee. This means that every few days Bandcamp sends me an email that goes straight to junk letting me know what Barnzee’s been up to. And mate, he’s be steady buying records and music consistently. Shout out to you mate, whoever you are!

Check out his profile to get some inspiration, recent finds include Tornt’s Revenge Ain’t Friendly, Halloween Horrors by Evil Dead, and Gehenna by Helen Earth.

Browse through the #ozhiphop tag to see what else you can scoop up. 

If you don’t have the cash to part with yourself, then jump on the social media and let Hau know what a banging show the Triple J Hip Hop show was last night when he played only Australian artists. Get those Australian artists some APRA dollars yo and support the scene just by listening to Oz Hip Hop music! Hopefully they keep on the only Australia theme for a few weeks, it was sick to hear artists like Dawn Laird get some airtime.

Not everyone in the scene is a rapper though. Do you know a lady that has a voice to soften the hardest of rappers? Tell them to jump onto the Downsyde page as the boys are paying session vocalists to help finish off their upcoming album.

Want free tins? Buy a 6 pack from Clinic166 and get one free, head in store while you still can for the promos.

If you’ve bought tickets to an event that’s been postponed, don’t ask for a refund, make it to the new dates. Helps with cashflow for the artists and venues.

Plenty more promos happening directly through your local crew so keep a eye out. If you still got a job, some cash, now’s the time to think about our already struggling fav artists and spend and support where you can.

Post any promo’s you know of in the comments on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll update this page too.


Wash yo’ hands.