In what appears to be a conflict of creative differences, Willow (Rowan Lockyer), a MC from Sydney group Mind Over Matter, has now left the crew. To summarise his public status on his personal Facebook page, he pretty much says that the other member, Smiles Again (Martin Brown), and their manager Luke Girgis, asked Willow to tone down his spiritual and political lyrics, which he did not appreciate, but apparently it’s “all still love”.
In what looks like a classic case of “damage control” coming from the Mind Over Matter Facebook Page, they directly refute that they pressured him from changing his lyrics, and also allude to Willow having personal issues as they have been “trying to get him through it for years”.
Although for many reading this particular website, it is not great loss, as those boys have made music that hasn’t appealed to the underground for a long time, however there are certainly fans disappointed in the news.
The interesting point here is that in a primarily two man crew (their DJ Ntaprize only joined the crew recently), that Smiles and Ntaprize will continue to operate under the Mind Over Matter banner. Not to diminish the importance of the DJ, of course, but it raises the question of continuing a crew after essentially one half of the voice has left. Smiles already releases solo music, and Willow intends to release solo work now. Rock bands do it, sure, but should the boys just let the Mind Over Matter name rest in peace?
Willows Facebook
“Major Announcement:
I would like to let everyone know that I am no longer a part of Mind Over Matter. It has been such an amazing journey and I really to thank every single person that has supported us along the way.
I’d have to put my decision to leave the group down to personality and creative differences. For example, being told by Smiles and our manager Luke that I would have to cut down on my spiritual/political content because they believe the majority can’t relate. That sort of thing goes against everything that I stand for and I simply can’t resonate with people on that wavelength.
I will be working on my own solo music under the name of ‘Willow’. I genuinely wish those guys all the best with everything that they do and it’s all still love.
It has been an honour and a privilege to meet all the amazing people I have connected with over the years. Thank you for making it such an awesome experience for us.
Now it’s onto the next chapter…Happy Summer Solstice!
Love and light.
Mind Over Matter Facebook
“A few of you may have heard that Willow has left Mind Over Matter, and it saddens me to confirm that this is true. Unfortunately recently there has been a lot going on in Willows life, and both our manager and myself have been trying to get him through it for years, however ultimately he decided to take a step away from the crew and we will support him with that decision.
To clear the rumours though, I will say neither myself or our manager has pressured him away from any “spiritual lyrics” that he wanted to write, in fact as many of you know our manager Luke is a spiritual man himself and supported his journey.
Willow is going to release solo music and I’ll continue to support him, he’s my brother, I wish him all the best in the future.
To bring some good news for you tonight, here is an unmixed demo of a brand new Mind Over Matter track that Ntaprize and I are working on, it will be on the new album, I hope you like it.
Mind Over Matter have a lot planned for 2015, can’t wait to ride the journey with you all!